We are emotional beings. If you didn’t have feelings, you would find it exceptionally difficult to solve problems. But feelings aren't thoughts!
Recommend material for Moods, Feelings & EmotionsThere is no end of great material on this website. We love it. Dig in and see what you think.
And ….. relax …..
Visit The SiteIt can be difficult working out how to start with this whole thing that’s called mindfulness. So we have found a couple of no-nonsense guides for you. Here’s the second one!
Visit The SiteIt can be difficult working out how to start with this whole thing that’s called mindfulness. So we have found a couple of no-nonsense guides for you. Here’s the first one!
Visit The SiteAre you experiencing weight gain, high blood pressure, or mood swings? If so, your cortisol levels may be high. But what are the ways to lower cortisol, why does it impact the body so negatively, and how can you get back to living the happy healthy life that better suits you? This website is a great place to start building up your understanding.
Visit The SiteSome more information for you:
Puri, B.K.
There’s a lot of criticism of current methods of treating depression.
There are three main kinds of antidepressants, all of which have their own problems. The oldest kind, called tricyclics, such as amitriptyline (Tryptizol) and imipramine (Tofranil) commonly cause drowsiness, dry mouth, constipation, sweating, dizziness and blurred vision.
Selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors, or SSRIs, include fluoxetine (Prozac) and paroxetine (Seroxat) and can cause headaches, nervousness, insomnia, anxiety, nausea, diarrhoea and reduced libido. They are also addictive and cause unpleasant withdrawal symptoms such as constant agitation, sleeplessness and nightmares.
Finally, the monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), such as phenelzine (Nardil) and tranylcypromine sulphate (Parnate), have fewer side effects but can cause a dangerous rise in blood pressure if taken with foods containing the amino acid tyramine, such as cheese, or with decongestants or antihistamines.
We aren’t making medical claims and we aren’t knocking these medicines but we’ve noticed that some people have benefitted from other protocols too. Exercise has been shown to be as effective in combatting mild to moderate depression as SSRIs and some evidence exists that fish oil fatty acids can be beneficial too. This book expands on the latter.
Available From AmazonSearch Inside Yourself was born at Google from one engineer’s dream to change the world.
It began in 2007 when veteran engineer Chade-Meng Tan assembled leading experts in mindfulness, neuroscience and emotional intelligence to develop an internal course for his fellow Googlers. It quickly became an incredibly popular training program within Google.
Interest outside Google was so great that the Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute (SIYLI) was established in 2012 as an independent nonprofit organization. Since then, Search Inside Yourself has become a globally recognized program and SIYLI continues to work with Google, as well as other corporate, nonprofit and government organizations around the world.
Visit The SiteWilliams, M. & Penman, D.
This one includes a free CD and guided meditations as well. It’s also great as an audiobook. MINDFULNESS reveals a set of simple yet powerful practices that can be incorporated into daily life to help break the cycle of unhappiness, stress, anxiety and mental exhaustion and promote genuine joie de vivre. It’s the kind of happiness that gets into your bones. It seeps into everything you do and helps you meet the worst that life can throw at you with new courage. The book is based on Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT). MBCT revolves around a straightforward form of mindfulness meditation which takes just a few minutes a day for the full benefits to be revealed. MBCT has been clinically proven to be at least as effective as drugs for depression and it is recommended by the UK’s National Institute of Clinical Excellence – in other words, it works. More importantly, it also works for people who are not depressed but who are struggling to keep up with the constant demands of the modern world. MINDFULNESS focuses on promoting joy and peace rather than banishing unhappiness. It’s precisely focused to help ordinary people boost their happiness and confidence levels whilst also reducing anxiety, stress and irritability
Available From AmazonRicard, M.
From a really interesting author: part scientist and part Buddhist monk. Endless wisdom.
Available From AmazonMaslow, A.
The 1962 classic. Still as relevant as ever. There’s a strong argument that we need more “being” and less doing in order to stay resilient. We are more than our most recent achievements!
Available From AmazonScientific research has shown that mindfulness practices enhance mental health and improve performance in every field of endeavour. And leaders who have undergone mindfulness training report that it provides a “transformative experience” that significantly improves their innovation, self-awareness, listening, and decision-making. This website has some good, downloadable material and many practical tools.
Visit The SiteWhatever you need to know about coping with stress, anxiety or depression, or just the normal emotional ups and downs of life, the NHS Choices Moodzone is here to help.
It offers practical advice, interactive tools, videos and audio guides to help you feel mentally and emotionally better.
Visit The SiteHalliwell, E. and Heaversedge, J.
We’ve been to one of Ed’s workshops and it was rather good. This is an interesting team effort with a medical doctor. Well worth a read.
Available From AmazonKabat-Zin, J.
Want to get into mindfulness? This is a great start. From one of the world’s leading experts. Solid, scientific and essentially human.
Available From AmazonGriffin, T. et al
We like Human Givens! This is a school of therapy that’s really accessible and makes some fundamental points about how the stressed mind works (or rather, doesn’t). Recognise that you have some essential human needs and that a lot of unhappiness and stress arises from them simply not being met. Also, recognise that clear thinking requires a calm state of mind.
Available From AmazonWhitten, H.
An interesting take on CBT and how this powerful technique can be used in the Mind part of the Mind Body Balance equation!
Available From AmazonWebb, L.
A light read and with some useful resources. Easy to digest; an anecdotal and practical guide with lots of common sense advice from a “happiness guru”.
Available From AmazonA great summary of research on growth and fixed mindsets and advice how to develop a growth mindset.
Visit The SiteThe answer is here, in 4 steps.
Visit The SiteRead and seen all about Carol Dweck’s ‘Growth mindset’? Here are 25 practical tips to help you develop one.
Visit The SiteStanford University’s Professor Dr. Carol S. Dweck talks about how phrases like “You are so talented” might shape us more than we think (and not just positively!). Based on her fascinating research into different self-conceptions she explains how our mindsets can govern our lives at home, at school and in our career.
Watch VideoIn this delightful video Carol Dweck explains why it is so important to have a so-called ‘Growth Mindset’ and how to develop one (hint: embracing failure is a good first step).
Watch VideoA good TED talk by an American Psychologist concerning the impact of how we relate to our thoughts on our stress and pressure levels.
Watch VideoBased on the latest research, Action for Happiness have identified 10 keys to happiness that consistently seem to make life happier and more fulfilling.
Visit The SiteThis website has a great selection of different mindfulness exercises.
Visit The SiteAnything mindfulness-related can be found on this great website.
Visit The SiteThis insightful article focusses on gratitude, and why practising it might help us lead a happier life.
Visit The SiteIf meditating is simply not your thing, positive psychologist Michelle Gielan suggests another powerful method to calm an anxious mind: fact-checking.
Visit The SiteHappiness might be the key to productivity. In this very funny TED talk psychologist Shawn Achor explains why.
Watch VideoMatthieu Ricard, who is both biochemist and Buddhist, combines his extensive knowledge of science and religion in this inspiring TED talk, arguing that we can all train our minds in the habits of happiness.
Watch VideoThis amusing video shows how being kind to other people can increase not only their but also our own happiness.
Watch VideoDoes success lead to happiness? A light-hearted video explaining that actually the opposite may be true – happiness can lead to success.
Watch VideoWhat do ‘reduced stress, better heart health, lowered anxiety and pain perception and higher overall happiness’ have in common? They are all correlated to your ability to ask for forgiveness – this engaging video explains why.
Watch VideoThe Dalai Lama explains what happiness means to him and reflects on behaviours, values and morals that influence it, dissenting the importance of Western materialism.
Watch VideoSocial psychologist and author Dan Gilbert challenges the idea that specific life events determine our wellbeing, and proposes that true happiness does not depend on external factors, but that it comes from within.
Watch VideoPsychiatrist Robert Waldinger shares his fascinating findings on what makes a good life and – based on his 75-year old study of adult development – offers unique insights into what keeps us happy and healthy.
Watch VideoPsychologists champion the benefits of mindfulness, as it has been shown to be effective at managing stress, enhancing relationships, and may even help reduce pain. This article seeks to understand better how it works.
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You may have heard that the model of “left brain” and “right brain” is a bit of a simplification, but don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater as there is some some truth in the idea of lateralisation of brain function. This wonderful, animated film tells you more ….
Watch VideoAn excellent TED talk from Amy Cuddy about how our minds govern our bodies AND how our bodies govern our minds. Simple techniques for feeling more powerful and coming across with more authority.
Watch VideoTop Ten Tips for Workplace Sanity!
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All of us want to enjoy happy, productive and fulfilling working lives. But all too often, complexity and stress gets in the way. At its most extreme, acute stress – prolonged pressure which is beyond our capacity to cope with – can lead to burn-out. But much less spoken about, yet just as destructive to our well-being, is under-stimulation, what we term ‘rust-out’.
Humour builds resilience ….
No industry has inflicted more suffering than the Motivational Industry. Motivational books, speakers and posters have made billions of dollars selling shortcuts to success and tools for unleashing our unlimited potential. At Despair, they know such products only raise hopes to dash them. That’s why their products go straight to the dashing! Enjoy!
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Critical people make rude comments, judge our decisions, talk at length about what we’re doing wrong or rarely have anything nice to say. One way to deal with them is to stop being with them altogether.
But this isn’t easy to do when the critical person is your boss, colleague, family member or your partner’s father. In other words, you can’t just stop seeing them for the rest of your life. And in some cases you might have to interact with them on a daily basis.
Visit The SiteDaniel Goleman
In some ways this was the book that kicked off the whole EI debate: the groundbreaking bestseller that redefined intelligence and success. Does IQ define our destiny? Daniel Goleman argues that our view of human intelligence is far too narrow, and that our emotions play a major role in thought, decision making and individual success. Self-awareness, impulse control, persistence, motivation, empathy and social deftness are all qualities that mark people who excel: whose relationships flourish, who are stars in the workplace. With new insights into the brain architecture underlying emotion and rationality, Goleman shows precisely how emotional intelligence can be nurtured and strengthened in all of us.
Available From AmazonSteven J. Stein
Authors Steven J. Stein and Howard E. Book show you how the dynamic of emotional intelligence works. By understanding EQ, you can build more meaningful relationships, boost your confidence and optimism, and respond to challenges with enthusiasm–all of which are essential ingredients of success.
The EQ Edge offers fascinating–and sometimes surprising–insights into what it takes to be a top law–enforcement officer, lawyer, school principal, student, doctor, dentist or CEO. You will learn what the top EQ factors are across many different kinds of jobs, from business managers and customer service representatives to HR professionals and public servants.
Available From AmazonGill Hasson
Whether it’s a manager who keeps moving the goal posts, an uncooperative colleague, negative friend, or critical family member, some people are just plain hard to get along with.
Often, your immediate response is to shrink or sulk, become defensive or attack. But there are smarter moves to make when dealing with difficult people. This book explains how to cope with a range of situations with difficult people and to focus on what you can change.
Available From AmazonAn accessible and interesting daily blog on all things to do with meditation and mindfulness.
Visit The Site20 short and helpful tips on how to quiet your mind and learn to meditate.
Visit The SiteGay Hendricks
In The Big Leap, Gay Hendricks, the New York Times bestselling author of Five Wishes, demonstrates how to eliminate the barriers to success by overcoming false fears and beliefs. Fans of Wayne Dyer, Eckhart Tolle, Marianne Williamson, and The Secret will find useful, effective tips for breaking down the walls to a better life in The Big Leap.
Available From AmazonMarisa Peer
Marisa Peer’s tried and tested programme is an effortless way to maximise your potential and overhaul your whole outlook on life for the better. Her powerful hypnotic language and effective techniques mean that just reading the book enables you to change negative thought patterns and break harmful habits that have been holding you back without you knowing it.
Available From AmazonRos Jay
This author tried applying business principles to childcare in an amusing and thoughtful way. The result is something that just might boost your resilience.
Available From AmazonOliver James
An interesting spin from Oliver James: just what is it that makes otherwise successful people so unhappy? Is there a malevolent side to having a lot of personal drive? When is enough, enough?
Available From AmazonLink to US site, which has quite a few useful articles and questionnaires on it.
Visit The SiteWilliam Bridges
It’s really important that you understand that the process of personal change has some distinct tasks and steps. This book describes them very clearly.
Available From AmazonImproving Access to Psychological Therapies is an NHS programme rolling out services across England offering interventions approved by the National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) for treating people with depression and anxiety disorders.
Visit The SiteA moving little film that shows both how words can have such an emotional impact and how re-framing anything can completely alter the meaning you make of it.
Watch VideoOliver James
Outlining the five elements of good emotional health – insightfulness, a strong sense of self, fluid relationships, authenticity and playfulness in our approach to life – James offers strategies for optimising each characteristic to live more fulfilling lives. Helping us to understand the impact our emotional baggage has on our daily interactions, he reveals how to overcome unhelpful patterns and become more self-aware – revitalising our approach to life.
Available From AmazonChris Hadfield
Colonel Chris Hadfield has spent decades training as an astronaut and has logged nearly 4,000 hours in space. During this time he has broken into a Space Station with a Swiss army knife, disposed of a live snake while piloting a plane, been temporarily blinded while clinging to the exterior of an orbiting spacecraft, and become a YouTube sensation with his performance of David Bowie’s ‘Space Oddity’ in space. The secret to Chris Hadfield’s success – and survival – is an unconventional philosophy he learned at NASA: prepare for the worst – and enjoy every moment of it.
Available From AmazonGreat blog site on personality, happiness, careers and the links between all three.
Visit The SiteInteresting information about what contributes to both our unhappiness and our happiness. See especially Chapter 3.
Visit The SiteWilliam Bridge’s model of transitions and how to manage yourself and others through a time of transition.
Visit The SiteRobertson Cooper’s free online questionnaire measuring your resilience.
Visit The SiteA 3 minute mindfulness exercise by Professor Mark Williams.
Watch VideoYouTube channel of the Oxford Mindfulness Centre.
Watch VideoA website from the Oxford Mindfulness Centre which includes a recommended range books and audio resources.
Visit The SiteA link to various mindfulness meditation exercises by Dr Melanie Fennell, which can be bought from iTunes. They range from brief 3 minute exercises to much longer exercises. A wide range of exercises is available to complement a range of needs and preferences.
Visit The SiteA website established by a Clinical Psychologist which includes lots of free mindfulness resources
Visit The SiteWebsite including some very helpful links, including number 11 ‘unhelpful thinking styles’. It’s a clinical document but still relevant we think.
Visit The SiteA page from the NHS about mindfulness and its uses.
Visit The SiteSome 1 minute mindfulness exercises to help you in everyday life
Visit The SiteAnother article about the change curve, as applied to business contexts.
Visit The SiteArticle about the change curve. A very helpful insight into the psychological process of change.
Visit The SiteGood information about the ABC technique. It applies the information to a workplace example, which is quite handy.
Visit The SiteWork stressors can be identified in almost all aspects of one’s job. Before taking action to eliminate or reduce these stressors, pinpoint their sources. Isolate these factors so corrective action can begin
Visit The SitePractical advice from the Mayo Clinic.
Visit The SiteNice little article from the Harvard Business Review about mindfulness.
Visit The SiteAudio resources from the Russ Harris website for mindfulness, including specific audio recordings for coaching, which you can listen to.
Visit The SiteGood information from a website established by a leader in the field of ACT and mindfulness. Absolutely excellent and very accessible. His materials are tailored to both psychological therapy and coaching.
Visit The SitePositive psychology website from the University of Pennsylvania. Contains lots of TED talks, newspaper columns and in-depth reading lists, which explain the concepts of positive psychology.
Visit The SiteA website about Acceptance and Commitment Therapy from Russ Harris; an acclaimed author and clinician in the area of ACT.
Visit The SiteStaff well-being at work – principles, ideas, methods and theory for stress reduction and improving wellbeing in the workplace, for employers and employees
Visit The SiteKristin Neff
Self Compassion offers a powerful solution for combating the current malaise of depression, anxiety and self criticism that comes with living in a pressured and competitive culture.
Available From AmazonSheila Keegan
This book shows how fear manifests itself in large organisations, how it impacts on the workforce and how by reducing our willingness to take risks and to innovate, it can inhibit economic growth and innovation, at both an individual and corporate level. The book contains several quotes from Chris Welford.
Available From AmazonRuss Harris
Popular ideas about happiness are misleading, inaccurate, and are directly contributing to our current epidemic of stress, anxiety and depresssion. And unfortunately, popular psychological approaches are making it even worse. In this controversial, but empowering self-help book, Dr Russ Harries, reveals how millions of people are unwittingly caught in the ‘The Happiness Trap’, where the more they strive for happiness the more they suffer in the long term
Available From AmazonTest subjects taking part in an 8-week program of mindfulness meditation showed results that astonished even the most experienced neuroscientists at Harvard University.
Visit The SiteNic describes his work as “Short, Black & White Human Portraits in Film. Extremely close up. And extremely revealing of our common human experience.” Take 5 minutes and watch one ….
Visit The SiteA useful reminder that all of the issue and problems that we experience are not entirely of our own making and sometimes we need to change the environment.
Watch VideoThe nine attitudes that help you get in the right place to explore mindfulness featuring Jon Kabat-Zin
Watch VideoAn important part of resilience is the ability to laugh at yourself (some bad language here)
Watch VideoSometimes it’s you who needs to lead the first wave. If you are a leader, you set the emotional tone
Watch VideoUsing Mindfulness to reduce stress.
Watch VideoPaul Dolan
As a Professor of Behavioural Science at the London School of Economics, Dolan conducts original research into the measurement of happiness and its causes and consequences, including the effects of our behaviour. Here he creates a new outlook on the pursuit of happiness – it’s not just how you feel, it’s how you act
Available From AmazonGraham Jones
Available From AmazonDr Jonty Heaversedge& Ed Halliwell
Available From AmazonMatthieu Ricard
More from the scientist-monk. One of the most interesting commentators in his field today.
Available From AmazonPortia Nelson
Available From AmazonRichard Layard
Available From AmazonDavid Westbrook & Helen Kennerley
Available From AmazonThe Chimp Paradox
Want help managing your “inner chimp”? Remember s/he is five time stronger than the human part of you, so you need to learn some techniques!
Available From AmazonAvy Joseph & Maggie Chapman
Available From AmazonDavid D Burns
Available From AmazonAaron T Beck
Available From AmazonAaron T. Beck
Available From AmazonDr Melanie Fennell
Available From AmazonSonja V. Batten
Available From AmazonAn excellent website, set of videos and a supporting book that examines this area in detail.
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