What is the Zone of Proximal Development?
Information about the zone of proximal development; a well-established theory in the learning and development literature.
Here are all the resources in the category 'Self-Discovery'.
Inspiring talk by Marcus Buckingham on the importance of honouring, owning and playing to your strengths, rather than trying to fix your weaknesses.
In a poignant, funny talk, Brené Brown shares insights from her research on human connection – our ability to empathise, belong and love – that sent her on a personal quest to know herself as well as to understand humanity.
Short, pithy 5 minute talk that teaches a couple of easy ways in which to give yourself permission to embrace and unleash your own brilliance!
Information about the zone of proximal development; a well-established theory in the learning and development literature.
Information about Kolb’s learning cycle and learning styles. Good for considering the process of learning and how our experiences and learning styles affect how we each learn most effectively
Author: Gallwey, T.
A 1970s classic – as fresh as ever. A great description of how we can hold ourselves back and what to do about it. A good one to read alongside Coaching for Performance by Whitmore.
When it comes to negative experiences, we have habitual ways of responding to what triggers us. But we can learn to step out of and stay out of negative thought cycles – this article tells you how.
Psychologist Mark Griffiths examines workaholism and what it has in common with other behavioural addictions.
The VIA Institute on Character is a non-profit organization, based in Cincinnati, Ohio, dedicated to bringing the science of character strengths to the world through supporting research, creating and validating surveys of character, and developing practical tools for individuals and practitioners. We use their free tools in our stress management and...
A simple intro to reflective learning, written from a teaching perspective.
A simple and neat model that talks about core qualities and overdone strengths.
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