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A range of psychometric instruments (you’ll need to part with some money), that could help you explore aspects of your style and skills.
Here are all the resources in the category 'Problem-solving'.
Stephen Shapiro, the creator of the Personality Poker cards, talks to a conference of NASA rocket scientists about the power of lateral thinking to open us up to new creative possibilities.
A range of psychometric instruments (you’ll need to part with some money), that could help you explore aspects of your style and skills.
You may have heard that the model of “left brain” and “right brain” is a bit of a simplification, but don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater as there is some some truth in the idea of lateralisation of brain function. This wonderful, animated film tells you more ….
We love this – not least for the wonderful cartoon graphics! For us, there is also something in here about unconscious processing. Why not consider the messages alongside Richard Nisbett’s book – Mindware?
Author: Richard Nisbett
An enlightening and practical guide to the most powerful tools of reasoning ever developed, by one of the world’s most renowned psychologists. Many scientific and philosophical ideas are so powerful that they can be applied to our lives to help us think smarter and more effectively about our behaviour and...
Author: Gallwey, T.
A 1970s classic – as fresh as ever. A great description of how we can hold ourselves back and what to do about it. A good one to read alongside Coaching for Performance by Whitmore.
Author: Griffin, T. et al
We like Human Givens! This is a school of therapy that’s really accessible and makes some fundamental points about how the stressed mind works (or rather, doesn’t). Recognise that you have some essential human needs and that a lot of unhappiness and stress arises from them simply not being met. ...
This web page has some useful narrative around the change curve and what to do at each stage.
In this delightful video Carol Dweck explains why it is so important to have a so-called ‘Growth Mindset’ and how to develop one (hint: embracing failure is a good first step).
Stanford University’s Professor Dr. Carol S. Dweck talks about how phrases like “You are so talented” might shape us more than we think (and not just positively!). Based on her fascinating research into different self-conceptions she explains how our mindsets can govern our lives at home, at school and in our career.
The answer is here, in 4 steps.
A great summary of research on growth and fixed mindsets and advice how to develop a growth mindset.
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