Mindfulness Mechanics
Psychologists champion the benefits of mindfulness, as it has been shown to be effective at managing stress, enhancing relationships, and may even help reduce pain. This article seeks to understand better how it works.
Here are all the resources in the category 'Mindfulness'.
Psychologists champion the benefits of mindfulness, as it has been shown to be effective at managing stress, enhancing relationships, and may even help reduce pain. This article seeks to understand better how it works.
It can be difficult working out how to start with this whole thing that’s called mindfulness. So we have found a couple of no-nonsense guides for you. Here’s the first one!
It can be difficult working out how to start with this whole thing that’s called mindfulness. So we have found a couple of no-nonsense guides for you. Here’s the second one!
An accessible and interesting daily blog on all things to do with meditation and mindfulness.
A website about Acceptance and Commitment Therapy from Russ Harris; an acclaimed author and clinician in the area of ACT.
Good information from a website established by a leader in the field of ACT and mindfulness. Absolutely excellent and very accessible. His materials are tailored to both psychological therapy and coaching.
Scientific research has shown that mindfulness practices enhance mental health and improve performance in every field of endeavour. And leaders who have undergone mindfulness training report that it provides a “transformative experience” that significantly improves their innovation, self-awareness, listening, and decision-making. This website has some good, downloadable material and many...
Search Inside Yourself was born at Google from one engineer’s dream to change the world. It began in 2007 when veteran engineer Chade-Meng Tan assembled leading experts in mindfulness, neuroscience and emotional intelligence to develop an internal course for his fellow Googlers. It quickly became an incredibly popular training program...
Some 1 minute mindfulness exercises to help you in everyday life
A page from the NHS about mindfulness and its uses.
This insightful article focusses on gratitude, and why practising it might help us lead a happier life.
Anything mindfulness-related can be found on this great website.
This website has a great selection of different mindfulness exercises.
A website established by a Clinical Psychologist which includes lots of free mindfulness resources
A link to various mindfulness meditation exercises by Dr Melanie Fennell, which can be bought from iTunes. They range from brief 3 minute exercises to much longer exercises. A wide range of exercises is available to complement a range of needs and preferences.
A website from the Oxford Mindfulness Centre which includes a recommended range books and audio resources.
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