Here are all the resources in the category 'Emotional Thinking'.
Author: Whitten, H.
An interesting take on CBT and how this powerful technique can be used in the Mind part of the Mind Body Balance equation!
Author: Griffin, T. et al
We like Human Givens! This is a school of therapy that’s really accessible and makes some fundamental points about how the stressed mind works (or rather, doesn’t). Recognise that you have some essential human needs and that a lot of unhappiness and stress arises from them simply not being met. ...
Author: Russ Harris
Author: Sonja V. Batten
Author: Dr Melanie Fennell
Author: Aaron T. Beck
Author: Aaron T Beck
Author: David D Burns
Author: Avy Joseph & Maggie Chapman
Author: The Chimp Paradox
Want help managing your “inner chimp”? Remember s/he is five time stronger than the human part of you, so you need to learn some techniques!
Author: David Westbrook & Helen Kennerley
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