Profile yourself

A range of psychometric instruments (you’ll need to part with some money), that could help you explore aspects of your style and skills.

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Look beyond the surface …

When you consider your skills, or those of others, consider that some talents might not be immediately apparent.

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Psychology Today

Link to US site, which has quite a few useful articles and questionnaires on it.

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Personal Strengths Worksheet

Could a skills stock-take see your performance soar?

Information from the UK Commission for Employment and Skills

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Prepare for Tests at Interview guides for Graduates and Managers

Author: Robert Williams

If you’re preparing for interviews with a prospective or current employer, it’s now highly likely that you’ll be required to complete a selection test. To achieve your best, it’s essential that you understand what selection tests involve, how you can prepare for them and how they influence a recruiters final...

Available From Amazon

Emotional Intelligence: Why it Can Matter More Than IQ

Author: Daniel Goleman

In some ways this was the book that kicked off the whole EI debate: the groundbreaking bestseller that redefined intelligence and success. Does IQ define our destiny? Daniel Goleman argues that our view of human intelligence is far too narrow, and that our emotions play a major role in thought,...

Available From Amazon

How to develop a ‘Growth Mindset’ and embrace failure

In this delightful video Carol Dweck explains why it is so important to have a so-called ‘Growth Mindset’ and how to develop one (hint: embracing failure is a good first step).

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The Growth Mindset

Stanford University’s Professor Dr. Carol S. Dweck talks about how phrases like “You are so talented” might shape us more than we think (and not just positively!). Based on her fascinating research into different self-conceptions she explains how our mindsets can govern our lives at home, at school and in our career.

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25 Ways to Develop a Growth Mindset

Read and seen all about Carol Dweck’s ‘Growth mindset’? Here are 25 practical tips to help you develop one.

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How can you change from a fixed mindset into a growth mindset?

The answer is here, in 4 steps.

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This site is maintained by two individuals who wear more than one hat – be it consultant, psychologist or psychotherapist – so you should expect to find a wide range of materials that are all about how people learn, perform and grow. Chris and Jackie founded Sixth Sense Consulting Ltd in 2010. We provide assessment, leadership development, team building, career transition, psychotherapy, and wellbeing services to individuals and organisations. Our aim is to share materials and resources we use in our day to day work with others in a digestible and practical format.


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